Playground of Junior IT Developers

Video for how to use this playground
AI prompts collection - The path to becoming a full stack developer with AI

1. Learn coding language with AI's assistant

Update the coding prompt below to start exercise with AI.

2. Language translation

To request AI to translate your coding or natural language to another language.

The first line of the comment specifies the language of the code. You can choose from natural, dart, javascript, typescript, python, php, swift, java, kotlin, C/C++, Go.

3. Let AI finish the code for you

To request AI to complete your code, you must add a comment at the beginning of your code that specifies the programming language you are using. You can choose from a range of options including Dart, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP, Swift, Java, Kotlin, C/C++, and Go. Additionally, you need to add a comment to describe the functionality you wish AI to complete..

4. Let AI fix or edit your code

To request AI to fix or edit your code, you must add one or more TODO comments in the code. This will help AI understand what need to do

The first line of the comment specifies the language of the code. You can choose from dart, javascript, typescript, python, php, swift, java, kotlin, C/C++, Go.

5. Practice any languages

Learning and mastering any programming languages with AI can be easily by joining JuniorIT.AI

You can update the code below to complete or fix your code snippet easily with AI.

6. AI drawing

Learn how to draw AI images in an IT developer's way

Please allow approximately 10 - 30 seconds for the AI to generate the drawing after updating the prompt in the json payload below.

To create variables, you may select the image you prefer and click on its top left corner to set it as the initial image.


Acquire the essential skills and knowledge to kickstart your career and set off on a new path in the age of AI.

Haicam Technologies © 2023
Powered by OpenAI & Stable Diffusion