ChatGPT prompts - The path to becoming a full stack developer



  1. The Reasons why you need to learn coding: ask ChatGPT


  1. What are the main components of a computer system?
  2. Operating system
  3. Software for development
  4. Basic networking concepts
  5. History of programming languages
  6. Popular programming languages

Coding language

  1. Writing your first "Hello, World!" application
  2. Understanding variables and data types
  3. Keywords and operators
  4. Flow control and loops
  5. Functions and methods
  6. Async and await
  7. Complex data types
  8. Objects and classes

Full stack skill

  1. Introduction to databases
  2. Learn RESTful API
  3. Data validation and security techniques
  4. Front-end development
  5. GraphQL API
  6. CMS system
  7. AWS and cloud
  8. Server-side development
  9. Mobile app & cross-platform development

Package & build

  1. Package management and build tools

1. The reasons why you need to learn coding: ask ChatGPT

  1. How can learning to code improve my problem-solving skills and benefit other areas of my life?
  2. Is a strong background in mathematics necessary to succeed in coding, or can people with diverse backgrounds excel at it too?
  3. Even if I don't want to become a software developer, how could learning to code still be valuable in my current field?
  4. In what ways could coding knowledge give me an edge in my career across various industries?
  5. How can learning to code be a fun and creative process, serving as a hobby or a means of self-expression?
  6. What resources are available for me to learn coding at my own pace, and which projects or languages might interest me the most?
  7. How can understanding coding help me navigate the growing prevalence of automation and technology in daily life?
  8. What potential connections and networking opportunities could I gain by learning to code?
  9. What aspects of coding might excite me the most, given the wide range of languages and applications available?
  10. How could knowledge of coding help me better understand technology and make more informed decisions in my personal and professional life?

2. What are the main components of a computer system?

  1. What is the function of a CPU, and can you name some common CPU architectures used in modern computers?
  2. How does a GPU differ from a CPU, and what are the most popular GPU manufacturers? Why?
  3. How do CPU and GPU speeds and cores impact a computer's performance?
  4. Explain the difference between RAM, ROM, and DDR memory types. How do they contribute to a computer's performance?
  5. Describe some common input devices used in computer systems and their functions.
  6. What are some examples of output devices, and how do they help users interact with a computer system?
  7. Identify various storage devices and their role in a computer system.
  8. What is the purpose of a motherboard in a computer system, and what is the role of BIOS?

3. Operating system

  1. Describe the key features and differences between these operating systems: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), Mac OS, Android, and iOS.
  2. What is a real-time operating system (RTOS), and how does it differ from general-purpose operating systems?
  3. Describe some common applications and use cases for RTOS.
  4. Explain the difference between threads and processes in an operating system.
  5. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using threads over processes.
  6. What are coroutines, and how do they differ from threads?
  7. Explain the difference between physical memory and virtual memory.
  8. Explain the key differences between FAT32, NTFS, exFAT, Ext4, and Apple File System (APFS).
  9. Explain the differences between CLI and GUI in terms of user interaction.
  10. Describe the role of user authentication in operating system security.
  11. Explain how file permissions contribute to system security and how they are managed.
  12. What is encryption, and how does it protect data stored on a computer?

4. Software for development

  1. What is Git and how does it help with version control in software development?
  2. How do SSH and SCP work, and why are they important for remote access and file transfer?
  3. How do web browsers interpret and render HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?
  4. What is Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and what are its main features?
  5. What is Android Studio and why is it used for Android app development?
  6. What is XCode and what is its primary purpose in iOS and macOS development?
  7. What is Docker, and how does it utilize containerization for software development?
  8. What is VirtualBox and how does it enable virtualization on a host machine?

5. Basic networking concepts

  1. What are the key differences between UDP and TCP, and when should each be used?
  2. Explain the purpose and basic functionality of the HTTP protocol.
  3. What is the DNS protocol, and how does it facilitate domain name resolution?
  4. Describe WebRTC and its role in enabling real-time communication on the web.
  5. What is an IP address, and how does it facilitate communication on a network?
  6. Explain the differences between private IP addresses and public IP addresses.
  7. What is a router, and how does it facilitate communication between networks?
  8. Describe the purpose of a gateway in a network topology.
  9. What is a firewall, and how does it contribute to network security?
  10. What are network latency and congestion, and how do they affect data transmission?

6. History of programming languages

  1. What are the key milestones in the history of programming languages?
  2. Discuss the origins of programming languages and the role of assembly languages in early computing.
  3. What is the difference between compiled and interpreted languages?
  4. What are the main categories of programming languages?
  5. How do you choose the right programming language for a specific project?

7. Popular programming languages

  1. Compare and contrast the key differences between C and C++ languages.
  2. Discuss the main differences between JavaScript and Java.
  3. Explain the relationships and differences between JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js.
  4. The history of the JavaScript and Dart programming languages, including their creators, motivations, and evolution over time.
  5. Compare Kotlin and Java, their similarities, differences, and the benefits in Android app development.
  6. Compare the differences between Swift, Objective-C, and C languages, especially for Apple platforms.
  7. Compare the most popular frameworks, React, React Native and Flutter.
  8. Discuss the most common use cases of the Python programming language.

8. Writing your first "Hello, World!" application

  1. What is the purpose of the "Hello, World!" program in a coding language?
  2. Please write a "Hello, World!" application.
    • How to print a string?
    • How to print a number?
    • How to print a string containing number variables?
    • How to print a number with formatting?
    • How to print a number as a hexadecimal string?
  3. The language syntax and code comments.
    • Does my program need the main function, and what is its purpose if it is needed?
    • How do I write single-line comments?
    • How do I write multi-line comments?
    • What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes, and how do I use them?
    • How to write a multiple line string?
    • Can I use backticks in coding, and if so, how do I use them?
    • Does whitespace matter in coding?
    • Do I need curly braces in coding, and what is their purpose if they are needed?
    • Do I need to use semicolons in coding?
    • Does the dollar sign $ have any special usage in coding?
  4. Comparing the comments syntax between Python and C like languages (Javascript/Dart/Java).
  5. The importance of Code format and the best practices.

9. Understanding variables and data types

  1. What are variables, and why are they important in programming?
  2. What are the common data types in programming?
  3. How can you declare and use variables?
  4. Can you explain the role of type casting in programming?
  5. What is the difference between local and global variables?
  6. Why is it important to follow variable naming conventions and best practices?
  7. What is the concept of mutable and immutable data types in programming?

10. Keywords and operators

  1. What are keywords and why are they important?
  2. What are the common operators used in programming?
  3. How can data types affect the behavior of operations?
  4. Can you explain the difference between keywords and identifiers?
  5. What is the role of logical operators in programming?
  6. Why is operator precedence and associativity important?
  7. How can you use compound assignment operators for shorthand notation?
  8. What is the conditional (ternary) operator, and how does it work?
  9. What are special operators, such as the nullish coalescing operator and the spread operator?
  10. Can you differentiate between unary, binary, and ternary operators?
  11. What is the difference between left-associative and right-associative operators?

11. Flow control and loops

  1. What are the different types of flow control structures in programming?
  2. How to use conditional statements and loops in programming?
  3. How to use branching statements, such as `break` and `continue`, in loops?
  4. What is the difference between `while` and `do-while` loops, and when to use each?
  5. How to use `for` loops and their variations, such as `for-in` and `for-each` loops?
  6. What are nested loops, and how to use them effectively?
  7. How to handle errors and exceptions in control flow statements?
  8. What are the best practices for writing maintainable and efficient code?

12. Functions and methods

  1. What are functions and why are they important in programming?
  2. How to create, call, and use functions in programming?
  3. What is recursion, and how to use it to solve problems?
  4. What are the differences between functions, methods, and procedures?
  5. What are the different types of functions, such as pure functions, impure functions, and higher-order functions?
  6. How to pass arguments and return values from functions?
  7. What are anonymous functions and lambda expressions, and how to use them?
  8. How to use function overloading and default parameter values?
  9. What are function decorators, and how to use them to modify function behavior?
  10. What is a method, and how is it different from a function?
  11. What are class methods and instance methods, and how to use them?
  12. What is a closure, and how to use it to encapsulate data?
  13. What are generator functions, and how to use them to generate sequences of values?
  14. What are the best practices for writing clean, reusable, and efficient functions and methods?

13. Async and await

  1. What are asynchronous operations, and why are they important in programming?
  2. How to use the `async` and `await` keywords to write asynchronous code?
  3. What are futures, and how do they work with async and await?
  4. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous code execution, and how does it affect program performance?
  5. What are the benefits of using async and await in UI programming?
  6. How to handle errors and exceptions in async and await code?
  7. How to execute multiple asynchronous operations concurrently?
  8. What are the best practices for writing clean, maintainable, and efficient async and await code?

14. Complex data types

  1. What are arrays, and how to use them to store collections of similar data?
  2. What are lists, and how to use them to store collections of data?
  3. How to create, add, remove, and modify elements in a list?
  4. What are maps, and how to use them to store key-value pairs?
  5. How to create, add, remove, and modify elements in a map?
  6. What is a set, and how to use it to store unique elements?
  7. How to create, add, remove, and modify elements in a set?
  8. What are iterable and iterator, and how to use them to iterate over complex data types?
  9. How to use collection methods, such as `map()`, `filter()`, and `reduce()`, to process complex data types?
  10. What are immutable collections, and how to use them to create read-only collections?
  11. How to optimize the performance of complex data types, such as using `const` and `final` keywords, avoiding unnecessary copies, and using lazy initialization?

15. Objects and classes

  1. What are objects and classes, and why are they important in object-oriented programming?
  2. What is a class, and how to define and use classes?
  3. How to create and use objects in coding?
  4. What is the difference between an object and a class?
  5. How to create and use constructors?
  6. What is inheritance, and how to use it to create subclasses?
  7. What is polymorphism, and how to use it to write flexible and reusable code?
  8. What are abstract classes, and how to use them to define common behavior?
  9. What is a mixin, and how to use it to add functionality to classes?
  10. How to use getters and setters to control access to class properties?
  11. How to use static methods and properties?
  12. What are generic types, and how can they help in writing reusable and flexible code?
  13. How to use type inference to simplify the syntax of generic types.
  14. How to use generic types to implement common data structures, such as lists, maps, and sets.

16. Introduction to databases

  1. Introduction to MySQL: What is MySQL and how does it differ from other database management systems?
  2. Data types in MySQL: What are the different data types available in MySQL, and how do you use them?
  3. Creating a database: How do you create a database in MySQL? What are some best practices for naming your database and tables?
  4. Basic SQL queries: How do you perform basic SQL queries in MySQL, such as selecting data from a table or filtering data with a WHERE clause?
  5. Data manipulation: How do you insert, update, and delete data in MySQL, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  6. Security and user management: How do you manage user accounts and permissions in MySQL, and what are some best practices for securing your MySQL database?
  7. Backup and recovery: How do you backup and restore your MySQL database, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  8. Indexes and optimization: What are indexes in MySQL, and how can you use them to improve query performance? What are some other optimization techniques to improve the performance of your MySQL database?
  9. Advanced SQL queries: How do you perform more complex SQL queries in MySQL, such as joining tables, using subqueries, and using aggregate functions?
  10. Advanced topics: What are some advanced topics in MySQL, such as stored procedures, triggers, and views, and how can you use them to improve your database design and performance?
  11. Comparing the most popular SQL databases: What are the most popular SQL databases and how do they compare in terms of features, performance, and scalability? Some popular databases to compare include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle.
  12. How to set up a MySQL database with Docker: What is Docker and how can you use it to set up a MySQL database? What are the benefits of using Docker for database management, and what are some best practices for using Docker with MySQL?
  13. What is phpMyAdmin, and how do you set it up with Docker? What are some of the features of phpMyAdmin, and how can you use it to manage your MySQL databases? What are some best practices for setting up and securing phpMyAdmin with Docker?
  14. MySQL vs. NoSQL: What are the differences between MySQL and NoSQL databases, and how do you choose the right type of database for your application? What are some popular NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB and Cassandra, and how do they differ from MySQL in terms of data modeling and querying?
  15. MySQL best practices: What are some best practices for designing, configuring, and managing your MySQL databases? How do you optimize your queries, prevent data loss, and ensure the security of your data? What are some common pitfalls to avoid when working with MySQL?

17. Learn RESTful API

  1. Introduction to REST: What is a RESTful API and how does it work? What are some of the key principles and constraints of RESTful architecture?
  2. HTTP methods: What are the HTTP methods used in RESTful APIs, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, and how are they used to manipulate resources?
  3. Resource and URI design: How do you design resources and URIs in a RESTful API, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  4. Representation formats: What are the different representation formats used in RESTful APIs, such as JSON and XML, and how are they used to represent resources?
  5. Status codes and error handling: What are the HTTP status codes used in RESTful APIs, and how do you handle errors and exceptions in your API?
  6. Authentication and authorization: What are some common authentication and authorization schemes used in RESTful APIs, and how do you implement them in your API?
  7. Pagination and filtering: How do you implement pagination and filtering in your RESTful API, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  8. Versioning: How do you version your RESTful API, and what are some best practices for versioning?
  9. Caching: How do you implement caching in your RESTful API, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  10. Testing and documentation: How do you test your RESTful API, and what are some best practices for documenting your API for developers and users?
  11. Debugging tools: What are some popular debugging tools for RESTful APIs, such as Postman and cURL, and how can you use them to test and troubleshoot your API?

18. Data validation and security techniques

  1. Introduction to data validation and security: What is data validation and security, and why is it important? What are some common threats and vulnerabilities that can compromise data security?
  2. Regular expressions: What are regular expressions, and how are they used for data validation and parsing? What are some common regular expression patterns for validating email addresses, phone numbers, and other data types?
  3. Email verification: How do you verify email addresses in your application, and what are some best practices for doing so? What are some common email verification techniques, such as sending a confirmation email or using an email verification service?
  4. Strong passwords: What are strong passwords, and how do you enforce password strength in your application? What are some common password hashing techniques, such as MD5 and SHA, and how do you use them to store and compare passwords securely?
  5. SQL injection: What is SQL injection, and how do you prevent it in your application? What are some best practices for sanitizing and validating user input before using it in SQL queries?
  6. Cross-site scripting (XSS) hacking: What is cross-site scripting, and how do you prevent it in your application? What are some best practices for escaping and sanitizing user input before displaying it in web pages?
  7. Encryption and decryption: What is encryption, and how do you use it to secure data in your application? What are some common encryption techniques, such as AES and RSA, and how do you use them to encrypt and decrypt data securely?
  8. HTTPS: What is HTTPS, and how do you use it to secure data transmitted over the internet? What are some best practices for implementing HTTPS in your application?
  9. Network sniffing: What is network sniffing, and how do you prevent it in your application? What are some best practices for securing network traffic, such as using encryption and limiting network access?
  10. Access control: How do you control access to sensitive data and functionality in your application, and what are some best practices for doing so? What are some common access control techniques, such as role-based access control and access control lists?
  11. Vulnerability testing: How do you test your application for security vulnerabilities, and what are some best practices for doing so? What are some common vulnerability testing techniques, such as penetration testing and code analysis?
  12. Incident response: What do you do if a security incident occurs in your application, such as a data breach or a hacking attempt? What are some best practices for incident response, such as documenting incidents and conducting post-incident analysis?

19. Front-end development

  1. Introduction to front-end design: What is front-end design, and why is it important? What are some common design principles and best practices for creating beautiful and functional user interfaces?
  2. Common form input elements: What are some common form input elements, such as text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, and select menus, and how do you use them to create forms in your UI?
  3. Responsive design: What is responsive web/mobile design, and how do you create the layout that adapt to different screen sizes and devices?
  4. Flexbox layout: What is Flexbox, and how do you use it to create flexible and responsive layouts in your UI? What are some best practices for using Flexbox in your design?
  5. Navigation menus: What are navigation menus, and how do you use them to create easy-to-use and intuitive navigation in your UI? What are some best practices for designing navigation menus?
  6. Buttons: What are buttons, and how do you use them to create interactive elements in your UI, such as links and form submissions? What are some best practices for designing buttons?
  7. Images: What are images, and how do you use them to enhance your UI and convey information to users? What are some best practices for optimizing and displaying images in your design?
  8. Links: What are links, and how do you use them to create navigation and interactivity in your UI? What are some best practices for designing links and using them effectively in your design?
  9. Video: What is video, and how do you use it to enhance your UI and provide rich media experiences for users? What are some best practices for optimizing and displaying video in your design?
  10. Color theory: What is color theory, and how do you use it to create effective and visually appealing designs? What are some best practices for choosing colors and creating color palettes for your UI?
  11. Typography: What is typography, and how do you use it to create readable and visually appealing text in your UI? What are some best practices for choosing fonts, font sizes, and font styles for your design?
  12. Figma: What is Figma, and how do you use it to create high-fidelity designs and prototypes for your UI? What are some best practices for using Figma and collaborating with other designers and developers?
  13. Popular front-end frameworks: What are some popular front-end frameworks, such as React, Angular, Vue.js, Next.js, Flutter, and React Native.

20. GraphQL API

  1. Introduction to GraphQL: What is GraphQL and how does it differ from RESTful APIs? What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of using GraphQL?
  2. Schema and types: How do you define a schema and types in a GraphQL API, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  3. Queries: How do you write queries in a GraphQL API, and what are some best practices for doing so? How does GraphQL handle nested queries and multiple queries in a single request?
  4. Mutations: How do you write mutations in a GraphQL API, and what are some best practices for doing so? How does GraphQL handle complex mutations and atomic transactions?
  5. Subscriptions: What are subscriptions in a GraphQL API, and how do you use them to handle real-time updates? What are some best practices for implementing subscriptions?
  6. Directives: What are directives in a GraphQL API, and how do you use them to control query execution and optimize performance?
  7. Pagination and filtering: How do you implement pagination and filtering in a GraphQL API, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  8. Authentication and authorization: What are some common authentication and authorization schemes used in GraphQL APIs, and how do you implement them in your API?
  9. Error handling: How do you handle errors and exceptions in a GraphQL API, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  10. Testing and documentation: How do you test your GraphQL API, and what are some best practices for documenting your API for developers and users?
  11. Debugging tools: What are some popular debugging tools for GraphQL APIs, such as GraphQL and Apollo Studio, and how can you use them to test and troubleshoot your API?

21. CMS system

  1. Introduction to CMS: What is a CMS and how does it work? What are some of the benefits of using a CMS for your website or application?
  2. Content modeling: How do you model your content in a CMS, and what are some best practices for doing so? What are some common content types, such as pages, posts, and products?
  3. Templating and theming: How do you create templates and themes in a CMS, and what are some best practices for doing so? What are some popular CMS themes, such as the WordPress Twenty Twenty-One theme?
  4. Plugins and extensions: How do you add functionality to a CMS using plugins and extensions, and what are some best practices for doing so? What are some popular WordPress plugins, such as Yoast SEO and Contact Form 7?
  5. Customization and development: How do you customize and develop your CMS using APIs and programming languages such as PHP, JavaScript, and React? What are some best practices for customizing and developing your CMS?
  6. SEO and analytics: How do you optimize your CMS for search engines and track analytics using tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console?
  7. Security and performance: How do you secure and optimize the performance of your CMS, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  8. WordPress: What is WordPress and how does it differ from other CMS systems? What are some best practices for using WordPress, and how can you extend its functionality using plugins and themes?
  9. StrapiCMS: What is StrapiCMS and how does it differ from other CMS systems? What are some best practices for using StrapiCMS, and how can you customize its functionality using APIs and development tools?

22. AWS and cloud

  1. Introduction to AWS: What is AWS and how does it work? What are some of the benefits of using AWS for your cloud computing needs?
  2. EC2: What is EC2 and how does it work? What are some of the benefits of using EC2 for hosting your applications?
  3. S3: What is S3 and how does it work? What are some of the benefits of using S3 for storing your data?
  4. Lambda: What is Lambda and how does it work? What are some of the benefits of using Lambda for running your serverless functions?
  5. CloudFront: What is CloudFront and how does it work? What are some of the benefits of using CloudFront for delivering your content?
  6. Monitoring and logging: How do you monitor and log your AWS resources, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  7. Comparison of popular cloud platforms: How does AWS compare to other popular cloud platforms, such as Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure, in terms of features, pricing, and scalability?

23. Server-side development

  1. Introduction to server-side code development: What is server-side code development and how does it differ from client-side development? What are some of the benefits of using server-side code?
  2. Server-side programming languages: What are some popular server-side programming languages, such as PHP, Python, and Node.js, and how do you choose the right one for your project?
  3. Web frameworks: What are web frameworks, and how do they simplify server-side development? What are some popular web frameworks, such as Laravel for PHP, Django for Python, and Express.js for Node.js
  4. Database integration: How do you integrate databases into your server-side application, and what are some popular database management systems, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB?
  5. API development: How do you develop APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) in your server-side application, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  6. Authentication and authorization: How do you handle user authentication and authorization in your server-side application, and what are some best practices for securing your application?
  7. Testing and debugging: How do you test and debug your server-side application, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  8. Deployment and scaling: How do you deploy and scale your server-side application, and what are some best practices for managing your infrastructure and optimizing performance?

24. Mobile app & cross-platform development

  1. Introduction to mobile app development: What is mobile app development, and how does it differ from web development? What are some of the benefits of mobile app development?
  2. Native app development: What is native app development, and how do you develop native apps for iOS and Android using programming languages such as Swift and Java?
  3. Hybrid app development: What is hybrid app development, and how do you develop hybrid apps using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and frameworks such as Apache Cordova and Ionic?
  4. Cross-platform development frameworks: What are some popular cross-platform development frameworks, such as React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin, and how do you use them to develop cross-platform apps?
  5. User interface design: What are some UI design principles for mobile apps, such as mobile-first design, user-centered design, and material design, and how do you apply them to your mobile app development?
  6. API integration: How do you integrate APIs into your mobile app, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  7. Authentication and authorization: How do you handle user authentication and authorization in your mobile app, and what are some best practices for securing your app?
  8. Performance optimization: How do you optimize the performance of your mobile app, such as minimizing memory usage and reducing file sizes?
  9. Testing and debugging: How do you test and debug your mobile app, and what are some best practices for doing so?
  10. Deployment and distribution: How do you deploy and distribute your mobile app, and what are some best practices for managing your app on app stores such as the App Store and Google Play?

25. Package management and build tools

  1. What are the main differences between npm and yarn, and how do I choose the best package manager for my project?
  2. How can I use nvm to manage multiple versions of Node.js on my system, and what are the benefits of doing so?
  3. Can you explain the purpose of CocoaPods in iOS development and how it simplifies dependency management for developers?
  4. What is the role of conda in managing Python environments, and how does it compare to other tools like pip and virtualenv?
  5. How do I get started with pip for managing Python packages, and what are some common commands to know?
  6. Could you provide an overview of the Gradle build system and its advantages in managing complex projects for Android and Java applications?
  7. What are the core features of cmake, and how does it help in managing build processes for C and C++ projects?
  8. How can I migrate from one package manager to another, such as switching from npm to yarn or from pip to conda?
  9. What are some best practices for using package management and build tools to ensure smooth development and deployment processes?
  10. How do I troubleshoot common issues encountered with package managers and build tools, such as dependency conflicts or outdated packages?


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